Gen 24:35
And the Lord hath blessed my master wonderfully, and he is become great: and he hath given him sheep and oxen, silver and gold, menservants and womenservants, camels and asses.
Job 10:16
And for pride thou wilt take me as a lioness, and returning thou tormentest me wonderfully.
Job 37:5
God shall thunder wonderfully with his voice, he that doth great and unsearchable things.
Ps 44:5
With thy comeliness and thy beauty set out, proceed prosperously, and reign. Because of truth and meekness and justice: and thy right hand shall conduct thee wonderfully.
Ps 75:5
Thou enlightenest wonderfully from the everlasting hills.
Wis 19:5
And that thy people might wonderfully pass through, but they might find a new death.
Eccli 43:8
The month is called after her name, increasing wonderfully in her perfection.
Lam 1:9
Teth. Her filthiness is on her feet, and she hath not remembered her end: she is wonderfully cast down, not having a comforter: behold, O Lord, my affliction, because the enemy is lifted up.