Job 29:20
My glory shall always be renewed, and my bow in my hand shall be repaired.
Ps 38:3
I was dumb, and was humbled, and kept silence from good things: and my sorrow was renewed.
Ps 102:5
Who satisfieth thy desire with good things: thy youth shall be renewed like the eagle's.
Eccli 50:29
Jesus the son of Sirach, of Jerusalem, hath written in this book the doctrine of wisdom and instruction, who renewed wisdom from his heart.
Ezech 23:21
And thou hast renewed the wickedness of thy youth, when thy breasts were pressed in Egypt, and the paps of thy virginity broken.
I Mac 4:57
And they adorned the front of the temple with crowns of gold, and escutcheons, and they renewed the gates, and the chambers, and hanged doors upon them.
II Cor 4:16
For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man is corrupted, yet the inward man is renewed day by day.
Eph 4:23
And be renewed in the spirit of your mind:
Col 3:10
And putting on the new, him who is renewed unto knowledge, according to the image of him that created him.
Heb 6:6
And are fallen away: to be renewed again to penance, crucifying again to themselves the Son of God, and making him a mockery.