
Holy Bible (Douay Rheims)


Prov 16:26 The soul of him that laboureth, laboureth for himself, because his mouth hath obliged him to it.
Prov 16:26 The soul of him that laboureth, laboureth for himself, because his mouth hath obliged him to it.
Eccles 2:21 For when a man laboureth in wisdom, and knowledge, and carefulness, he leaveth what he hath gotten to an idle man: so this also is vanity, and a great evil.
Eccli 10:30 Better is he that laboureth, and aboundeth in all things, than he that boasteth himself and wanteth bread.
Eccli 11:11 There is an ungodly man that laboureth, and maketh haste, and is in sorrow, and is so much the more in want.
Eccli 38:28 So every craftsman and workmaster that laboureth night and day, he who maketh graven seals, and by his continual diligence varieth the figure: he shall give his mind to the resemblance of the picture, and by his watching shall finish the work.
Mal 3:14 And you have said: What have we spoken against thee? You have said: He laboureth in vain that serveth God, and what profit is it that we have kept his ordinances, and that we have walked sorrowful before the Lord of hosts?
I Cor 16:16 That you also be subject to such, and to every one that worketh with us, and laboureth.
II Tim 2:6 The husbandman, that laboureth, must first partake of the fruits.