
Holy Bible (Douay Rheims)


Gen 30:27 Laban said to him: Let me find favour in thy sight: I have learned by experience, that God hath blessed me for thy sake:
Jdt 6:6 And that thou mayst know that thou shalt experience these things together with them, behold from this hour thou shalt be associated to their people, that when they shall receive the punishment they deserve from my sword, thou mayst fall under the same vengeance.
Esth 3:5 Now when Aman had heard this, and had proved by experience that Mardochai did not bend his knee to him, nor worship him, he was exceeding angry.
Eccli 21:25 The foot of a fool is soon in his neighbour's house: but a man of experience will be abashed at the person of the mighty.
Eccli 25:8 Much experience is the crown of old men, and the fear of God is their glory.
Eccli 34:9 What doth he know, that hath not been tried? A man that hath much experience, shall think of many things: and he that hath learned many things, shall shew forth understanding.
Eccli 34:10 He that hath no experience, knoweth little: and he that hath been experienced in many things, multiplieth prudence.
Eccli 36:22 A perverse heart will cause grief, and a man of experience will resist it.
II Mac 8:9 And he with all speed sent Nicanor the son of Patroclus, one of his special friends, giving him no fewer than twenty thousand armed men of different nations, to root out the whole race of the Jews, joining also with him Gorgias, a good soldier, and of great experience in matters of war.
II Cor 8:2 That in much experience of tribulation, they have had abundance of joy; and their very deep poverty hath abounded unto the riches of their simplicity.